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BOSS Students

BOSS (Building Organisation Student Society) was founded by students in 1993 as the student association for the department of Management in the Built Environment (formerly known as Real Estate and Housing), at Delft University of Technology. The association is a connection between students and education. In addition it serves to facilitate contact with students and practice. Various national and international activities are organised by BOSS to achieve this.

The Master track Management in the Built Environment (MBE) educates students to become specialists in the field Real Estate Management, Design and Construction Management, Urban Area Development and Housing. The department of MBE provides education in the /bachelor course of Architecture, is responsible for the international master course of MBE and conducts scientific research. MBE is the only master course within the faculty of Architecture that focuses on all the phases of the life cycle of buildings: from initiative to use.

BOSS has over 200 members and offers them the possibility to get acquainted with the sector and to develop themselves alongside their studies. A large part of these members is active in committees in order to make the activities truly unique events. The enthusiasm and dedication shown by the members in this is clearly expressed during the successful activities that BOSS organises.

Every year, BOSS looks for a number of motivated students for its board and committees. A variety of different committees for all BOSS activities and products provide students with a wide range of opportunities for their ambitions and interests. Are you interested in becoming an active member in one of the most active practice associations within the Dutch real estate world? Let us know by mail ( or approach one of our board members during our events!