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Hey everyone!

Get ready for our annual BOSS RALLY!!🤩🍾 Join us on June 1st for a great day full of surprises and a journey with friends like no other! Solve clues, uncover hidden treasures, complete challenges and make some memories!🍯🤩🍻

We will start at a to be anounced location at 10:00 and, have dinner around 19:00 in Delftse Hout in Delft and end at around 21:00. In this rally you will drive a route in your car with your team, while trying to figure out the route through different assignments, puzzles and descriptions.  The costs for participating are somewhere around 15-20 euros per person and we will make sure to provide you with drinks, lunch, dinner and some snacks for on the road. 

We will announce more information when it is more final!!

You can sign up via the link in our instagram bio with a team and a car or alone. We will then try to find a spot for persons without a car or team in another team, but we can not guarantee that there will be enough spots left for everyone.
If you sign up with a team, only the team captain needs to fill in the form! 

We are very excited to see you all at the rally!

XOXO Activities 

Note: Make sure to become a BOSS member if you want to participate in this activity