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Peter’s SURVIVAL GUIDE: 10 tips and tricks to conquer the RECD!


Peter’s SURVIVAL GUIDE: 10 tips and tricks to conquer the RECD!

1. Dress to Impress: First impressions matter. Show up like you're ready to conquer the real estate world and showcase your commitment to your future career!

2. Elevator Pitch: Customize your elevator pitch to align with the companies you're interested in. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences and career goals and explain how you can contribute to their success.

3. Research, Research, Research: Know your companies. Be the expert on who you want to impress. Knowledge is power – impress them with your insights!

4. Connect and Conquer: Network like a pro! Dive into lively business cases, chat up with companies at the market and get your dream internship or job. This is your time to shine!

5. Embrace the Networking Challenge: Networking can be intimidating, but it's also a valuable skill in the real estate world. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone, approach new people and build meaningful connections that can lead to future opportunities.

6. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Engage with speakers, recruiters, and industry professionals by asking thoughtful questions. This demonstrates your interest and initiative, and it can lead to meaningful conversations and connections.

7. Follow Up After the Event: Don't forget to follow up with the contacts you make during RECD. Connect on LinkedIn and express your interest in potential opportunities.

8. Attend Workshops and Seminars: Take advantage of the workshops and seminars offered at RECD. These sessions provide valuable insights, tips, and industry knowledge that can enhance your understanding of the real estate sector.

9. Stay Energized and Hydrated: Conquering RECD requires energy and focus, so be sure to stay hydrated and energized throughout the day. There will be coffee, lunch and drinks at the end of the day to keep you fueled and ready to seize every opportunity!

10. Don't Forget to Have Fun: Amidst the professional networking and career-focused activities, remember to enjoy yourself! The RECD is a unique opportunity to connect with peers, industry professionals, and potential employers. Approach the event with a positive attitude, be open to new experiences, and take time to appreciate the learning opportunities and sense of unity among attendees