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Hi MBE student! This blogpost will guide you through choosing your electives. For MSc3 you can choose free electives for 15 ECTS for the purpose of broadening their academic perspective, knowledge and skills, or to allow for further specialization in connection with the individual graduation project. It is advised to divide the 15 ECTS over the 1st & 2nd quarters of the 2nd year.

You can find all the electives from the TU Delft on The deadline for selecting your electives on BIS is from 13th of May at 9:00 until 24th of May at 23:59. 

What kind of electives would you like to follow? 

I want to follow electives at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment: 

Register via BIS for the course at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

I want to follow electives at other faculties of the TU Delft:

Sign up via Brightspace (catalog) and contact the course coordinator just to make sure that the course fits your MBE background.

I want to follow electives at another university in the Netherlands: 

Check their website and study program to see the possibilities and deadlines for sign up and contact the course coordinator of the other university for the possibilities. 

Exchange: I want to follow electives at a foreign university: 

Most exchange programs last half a year (30 EC). Contact Fred Hobma for more information or send an e-mail to

Planning of electives and graduation

Along with following electives, some students also start their graduation in MSc3. This graduation is divided into several parts and especially the P2 and P4 deadlines have very strict guidelines, which might influence the planning of your electives. For students starting the Graduation Lab in September 2024 or February 2025, the rules are described below and the dates can also be found in the graduation calendar of the TU Delft. For students starting their first year of MBE in September 2024, there will be a new program, which can be found here: 

  1. Starting Graduation Lab in September 2024

The P2 presentations are scheduled in January 2025, but the registration date for these presentations is on November 22nd 2024. To qualify for the P2 presentation you must have 55 ECTS on November 22nd 2024

Be aware: In case you did not pass all your courses in year 1 and have less than 55 ECTS, you can only use Q1 of year 2 to obtain the remaining study points before the deadline in November (see figure below).

The P4 presentations are scheduled in May 2025 and the registration date is on April 4th 2025. To qualify for the P4 presentation, you must have 80 ECTS (all study points except Graduation Lab) on April 4th 2025.

Be aware: The deadline for the P4 application is in the beginning of April, before the Q3 courses are finished (see figure below). So if you choose to do an elective in Q3, you will not be able to get your grades in time for graduation in the summer of 2025.


  1. Starting Graduation Lab in February 2025

The P2 presentations are scheduled in June 2025, but the registration date for these presentations is on April 25th 2025. To qualify for the P2 presentation you must have 55 ECTS on April 25th 2025. 

Be aware: In case you are still following courses to obtain the required 55 ECTS, you must ensure that you have your grades before April 25th.

The P4 presentations are scheduled in December 2025 and the registration date will be at the end of October 2025. To qualify for the P4 presentation, you must have 80 ECTS (all study points except Graduation Lab) before this registration date. Please check the graduation calendar of the TU Delft for the exact dates for the academic year 2025-2026.

Previous experiences

To give you a better idea of the different content and learning methods in the electives, we have asked a number of MBE students who previously followed one or more of the courses to share their experiences. Please note that these courses were followed in academic year 2023-2024, meaning the contents of the courses could be slightly different in the coming year.

Didactic Coaching Skills (MBE Q1): 5 ECTS

During this elective you take on the role of teacher of one of the bachelor architecture courses. This bachelor course is an introduction to MBE, so you will have sufficient knowledge to help the students with their assignment. You are not expected to give full lectures, but the focus is on guiding students through a written assignment. The elective teaches you not only to transfer knowledge, but you really develop a personal coaching style. You will be graded by your input in class, but also through a reflection paper and the development of a learning tool. There are also regular sessions with the elective group, where you share your experiences and learn to improve your coaching skills. 

Research Methods 3 (MBE Q2 & Q4): 5 ECTS

Research Methods 3 is designed for people who want to get more experienced with statistical research methods. This is a method that is not taught during Research Methods 2, but is frequently used by students in their graduation. The course is mainly taught via online modules and it is easy to keep track of your progress via online self-tests. The level of the course and the study materials are well tailored towards students who are new to statistics.

Social Sustainability in Human Habitats (MBE Q1): 5 ECTS

This elective teaches you how to create a sustainable environment, both physically, politically and socially in different parts of the world. You dive into the meaning of social sustainability and the dimensions it is built on. The first five weeks you learn about this topic by having weekly morning-sessions with guest lectures and interactive exercises and games. These exercises concern for example discussions about actual statements or designing an area in a group.
After the weekly sessions are finished you write an individual essay and the last few weeks you write a report in a group, about the implementation of social sustainability in an existing project. 

Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TPM Q1 & Q3): 5 ECTS

Within this elective you will learn how to analyze an innovative Tech Startup from YES!Delft. This gives an interesting insight into a company that is on the verge of breaking through on the market. This elective teaches you the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities. 

Economics and Finance (TPM Q2): 6 ECTS

Economics and finance explores Financialisation and Market Dynamics; it delves deep into the heart of financial markets and their expansive growth over the two decades preceding the recent global economic crisis. As financial assets and private debt soared to unprecedented levels, the financial landscape underwent significant transformations, introducing complex phenomena such as financialisation, shadow banking, and the increasing reliance on volatile financial markets. The course had a group book review and an exam with one cheat sheet. If you are interested in the history of economics and finance, then this is an interesting course. 

Financial engineering (CME Q1): 4 ECTS

Financial engineering is the equivalent of Building Economics at CME, tailored specifically for students looking to delve into the financial aspects of civil engineering projects. It explores the theory of the firm, focusing on the intricate relationship between financial decisions and engineering projects, and integrates practical and theoretical knowledge from the fields of finance and economics. Some of the included topics are the sources and cost of finance, capital markets, cash flow models, and decision rules such as payback periods, cost-benefit ratios, and net present value. Financial accounting principles and the financing of international projects also form a core part of the curriculum. Additionally, the course addresses political and social factors that influence project finance, portfolio management, and financial risk management. The Course has a 40 question exam with only multiple choice questions. 


We hope this blogpost has given you a better understanding of the possibilities and requirements regarding the MSc3 electives. Make sure to check out the online course guide for more information about the courses, staff and ECTS. If you are still missing information regarding the electives, or are looking for someone to reach out to and ask any specific questions, feel free to reach out to MBE coordinator Fred Hobma for general questions or contact the electives’ coordinators for course-related questions.

Goodluck with choosing your electives x Education Committee BOSS 2023-2024!